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Core Services

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If you are in immediate physical danger, call the police now on 000. If you are not in immediate danger and would prefer to speak to a support worker at one of our refuges:

  • Phone (08) 9458 1107

Starick's two refuges, Mary Smith Refuge and Starick House, offer short term crisis accommodation for women and children who need a safe place to stay where they are supported and offered access to free professional services to help them escape the violence and make plans for their future.

Child advocates and women's advocates are employed at both refuges, and counselling is available to women and their children.

How we support the women in our refuges

Our refuge teams work hard to provide an integrated service, with the aim of increasing a client's sense of safety and wellbeing. The support provided at our refuges includes:

  • Emotional support
  • Information and referral to relevant services
  • Counselling
  • Case management
  • Conducting risk assessments
  • Safety plans

We also offer our clients a range of other services and programs, to support their wellbeing.

How we support the children in our refuges

Starick also provides support and programs specifically aimed at the children living in our refuges.

Starick has been at the forefront of recognising the impact of family and domestic violence on children and developing our services for children. Our focus on children continues through the work of our child advocates, who ensure that the supports and programs offered are effectively meeting the diverse needs of the children living at both refuges.

Our services for children currently include:

  • Emotional support
  • Referral to relevant services
  • Counselling
  • Out-of-school activities and school holiday programs
  • Homework support
  • Art-related activities

Support from Starick continues after women and children leave our refuges through our outreach services.

For answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about domestic violence and our refuges click here.

You can also read the stories of women who have stayed in a Starick refuge here.

For crisis accommodation contact information, go to our useful numbers page.

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Counselling Services

Starick recognises that counselling is an important part of the recovery process both during and after experiencing family and domestic violence. We also recognise that counselling for children affected by family and domestic violence is equally important, and helps break the cycle of violence.

Our counselling service is available to women and children staying in a Starick refuge, although funding limits how much counselling we can offer children and is an ongoing area of need we are trying to address through grants and fundraising. We also offer counselling to women in the community who have experienced family and domestic violence.

Contact our counselling service:

  • Phone 9398 5039 or walk into Starick's outreach services office at Community Lotteries House, 2232 Albany Highway, Gosnells.

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Transitional Housing

Starick's Housing of Women in the Community (HOWIC) program provides transitional medium to long term housing in the south-east metropolitan area for women and children who are escaping family and domestic violence and who would otherwise have difficulty securing safe, affordable housing.

In partnership with Access Housing, Starick also provides transitional housing.

Transitional housing is primarily used to accommodate Starick clients and clients of other refuges. Ten families can be supported at any one time.

Properties are located close to community services and amenities. The location of the properties is important to facilitate our clients' return to independence and stability, and to encourage them to access the services available to them within the community, with the guidance and support of our outreach workers.

For information about accessing Starick's transitional housing, contact Starick's outreach worker on 9398 5039.

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Support in Police Stations

Our domestic violence advocates are based at local police stations and offer an advocacy service, safety planning and case management with court support. They can also refer you to legal and other services:

  • Armadale: Walk into Armadale Police Station at 23 Prospect Rd, Armadale
  • Cannington: Walk into Cannington Police Station at 1325 Albany Hwy, Cannington.

Our domestic violence advocates provide a range of services including:

  • Safety planning
  • Case management
  • Information on police and legal processes
  • Emotional support
  • Support to those applying for a Family Violence Restraining Order or attending court
  • Assistance with income support
  • Referral to other services and agencies as appropriate

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Safe at Home Program


What is the Safe at Home program?

Starick's Safe at Home program is designed to help women and children experiencing domestic or family violence to stay safely in their homes after separation from their abuser.

Who can use Safe at Home?

Starick's Safe at Home program is available to any woman living in our catchment area who is experiencing domestic or family violence and wants to remain in her own home.

This includes women with or without children. The service is free, confidential and sensitive to the needs of women.


What can the Safe at Home program offer?

Our Safe at Home outreach workers can assist you in the following ways:

  • Carrying out a risk assessment and safety audit of your home.
  • Help with safety planning for you and your children.
  • Upgrading home security.
  • Emotional and practical support.
  • Looking at other ways to help women and their children stay safe including physical, emotional, financial, and legal needs.
  • Providing information and referrals to other avenues of support.
  • Advocacy with relevant agencies

What is our catchment area for Safe at Home?

Any woman living in the following suburbs can use Starick's Safe at Home program:

Ascot, Belmont, Bickley, Burswood, Canning Mills, Carlisle, Carmel, Cloverdale, Darlington, East Perth, East Victoria Park, Forrestfield, Glen Forrest, Gooseberry Hill, Hacketts Gully, High Wycombe, Hovea, Jane Brook, Kalamunda, Kensington, Kewdale, Lathlain, Lesmurdie, Mahogany Creek, Maida Vale, Mundaring, Parkerville, Paulls Valley, Perth, Perth Airport, Piesse Brook, Redcliffe, Rivervale, South Kalamunda, St James, Stoneville, Victoria Park, Walliston, Wattle Grove and Welshpool.